Sunday, July 22, 2007


a make-up?

Gw pengen jujur aja bahwa akhir2 ini... gw sedang bertarung dengan kesedihan gw.. conquer my sadness, deeply. And gw sibuk.
Gw sibuk nge-dandanin motor gw...
Gw sibuk nge-dandanin diri gw sendiri...
Gw sibuk nge-dandanin daily life gw nantinya, dengan segala pernakpernik yg biasanya gw tata sedemikian rupa supaya sempurna (aasssh cUIIh....!)
Gw sibuk nge-dandanin kerja'an gw di kantor spy gak berantakan nantinya
Gw sibuk nge-dandanin relationship gw

The last part has already made me crazy.
Relationship is the most important for me, and dealing with people that I love, or.. I used to love, ah come on.. pleaseeeeeeeee
Bos gw yg kadang2 masih mrengut2 gak jelas..
Temen2 kantor yg biasa kerja brg jg kadang nyindir2 gak jelas..
Temen2 kos..
Dan etsetraaaa etsetraaaaaa

Kemarin bahkan gw menolak ajakan hang out trakhir yg diada'in ama MT baru di kantor sblm mreka smua pada kena shift. I never do that.. refuse to join a fun thing, WHY??
coz I am gonna get sad Dee...
Semakin lama semakin terasa menyenangkan.. orang2 yg meminta gw untuk tetep tinggal disini.. well, maybe just a polite request or basabasi ya.. but.. still make me feel a lil regret.
Only a little kok dee.. don't worry. This path has already setled, and I am ready to walk. That's the sacrifice I take, and I will kiss the risk behind.

Lagu Agnes Monica gak sengaja gw denger tadi di bis 121. Passssss banget

Bukannya aku tak tau.. Kau sudah ada yang punya
Dan kau pun bisikkan cinta... Ku tau engkau berdusta
Tapi ku tak mau mengerti, selama kau masih bersamaku...
Karena ku suka.. ku butuh.. cinta yang pernah hilang dariku
Cinta ini..kadang-kadang tak ada logika, berisi smua rasa dalam hati
Hanya untuk dapat memiliki.. dirimu hanya untuk sesaat

Akankah hanya sesaat?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Missing Them Already

- Sebuah Pengakuan -

Kalo boleh jujur...
Ada sedikit ketakutan meninggalkan segala yg telah kumiliki. Well, considering it kinda life stage, but then, I'm afraid of anything. I really dont have any idea is it a good signal or a bad one, but then.. I have to choose.
>Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

That's picture above, some managers and friends from my dept.

Aaahh..Today, my bapak Rumania is leaving, back to his country, and a new one has come to replace his position. We held a lil farewell in his room, a lil gift, and.. I already miss him.. A good coach, a good sociable person, perfect daddy (for his sons maybe? =p).
Suddenly I feel very terible to leave these all...
After this, I am not gonna loose him, but also her, her, and her.. him, him, and him. I dont want to mention names... Coz it will make me remember them more.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

God help me, maybe ya?

Sorry.. sorry.. I know it shouldn't be such a question, coz God will always give help (and problem also, I guess.. =p). But it's kinda exciting time yesterday where I couldn't stop smiling and joking and laughing. For almost a month, My sleep, my meal, my entirely time are not good. Thinking, analyzing, estimating, *halagh*
The situation that we couldnt predict at all. And I spent to predict the worst thing. Become very nervous, afraid, and worry bout what others will do.
Thanks God..
Thanks God..
That's the only thing I can say bout today.
I have tried to find the possibility that could be happen to me. and the best possibility has occured.
Still there are some problems to be handled, but the biggest part has been passed!
Now I'm ready with my path, to walk over..

Maybe God help me ya? OF COURSE!!!! aaaaaaaahh... it's my deep and looonggg breath...

If I forget to say my prayers
The devil jumps with glee
But he feels so awful awful
When he sees me on my knees

So if you feel of trouble
And you never seem to move
Just open up your heart and
let the sun shine in

Monday, July 02, 2007


Writen on Saturday, June 30, 2007

This morning, I wake up with no specific plan.
Kalo Cosmopolers itu dibilangnya "Me-Time", waktu buat diri sendiri, far away from anybody else secara lately tiap weekend adddaaakk aja yg bikin aku harus deal with 'orang laen'. Frankly, it's not kinda annoying time... but then, please, let me have one day free!
Suruhan buat lembur kudelegasikan ama si J. gw dah gak trtarik lg nambah gaji lewat uang lembur weekend (though.. bntar lg gw kayaknya musti jadi'in overtime payment as ladang uang, hehe) Minggu2 terakhir disini, gw pengen banyakin wkt refresh lah. Terserah kata tmn2 kuliah gw bahwa 'kerja itu utk memupuk kemakmuran hingga ke tingkat optimum' atau bahwa 'kita musti terus menerus kumpulin pundi2 uang' AAaahh come on... kerja buat gw itu buat afford safety life, buat membuat hidup loe lebih berharga. Money can buy many things, but NOT EVERYTHING!

Dan gw pun 'nyalon' di tempat yg lumayan jauh. Banyak yg pada takut buat pegi2 n ngelewatin kemacetan yg sedang melanda jalan Jababeka-Lippo. But, I take that risk. Siap dengan jaket, sarung tangan, masker, gw pergi menghadapi truk2 container yg ban'nya doank udah setinggi gw. Yang penting sih jangan pake high heel aja. Bisa pegel bo! Namanya macet klo pake mobil aja pegel krn maen kaki mulu pan? Tapi lebih pegel lg klo pake motor coz kaki bukan cm dimaenin tp jg buat nyandar. Mo pake high heel?? Cepppeek deeeeeeeee =D

Trus... tau2 sore n gw tiba2 laper n ngeliat si 'Bengawan Solo', slurrp slurrp.. pengen aaahh. Asking for a very light coffee (secara sbrnnya maag gw tdk mengijinkan adanya kontaminasi kopi di perut gw), eeeehh kok gw pengen yg judulnya 'Choco Cookies Coffee'. Sounds good? Setaun kerja di pabrik biskuit ternyata gak ngilangin hasrat gw ama cookies. Walaupunn... mungkin dah 1/2 taun ini gw ga perna lagi sudi makan segala oreo dan ritz dan chips ahoy. Okay, order one then.
Beneran slurp, n gw nikmati whip creamnya dulu.
Ettss... tiba2 kok curious ya liat komposisi si kopi. Nanyalah gw ama masnya.
"Mas mas.. ini pake cookies diblender kan?"
"Iya Mbak"
"Eee... cookiesnya apa Mas?"
"Oreo Mbak"
JEGHEERRR!!! gw jauh2 ngopi, cuman buat minum kopi yg dicampur OREEOOO???? hwaakakakakka.. geblek!!

Anyway, cikarang oh cikarang... Gw bakal ngangenin loe deh.