Saturday, October 30, 2010

The end of my Pregnancy Leave

Yuhaaa... yuhu... hari ini hari terakhir aku senam... besok minggu hari terakhir aku nganggur cuti di rumah... dan hari senen besoknya, MASUK KANTOR LAGEEHHHH DEEE..
He he he... kbanyakan janji katanya mo nge share ini dan itu di blogger, niatnya ingin membantu ibu2 lain atau bapak2 lain yang sedang mengalami 'the exciting of having a baby', supaya ada cerita buat sekedar referensi gitu..

Lepas dari penantian panjang 40minggu pregnancy time, trus dederdoer nya melahirkan normal, ditambah bgadang tiap malem slama 2bulan, pluuss lucu2nya my baby di usia nya yg 3 bulan ini, membuat saia akhirnya ga posting apa2 di blogger. Cerita jadi begituuuuu luas, ilmu jadi begituuu beraneka... menurut dia bener, blm tentu bs di apply di kondisiku, ataupun sebaliknya. Belum lagi exciting nya becomming a new mommy, rasanya semuaaaaa pengen ditulis n dicritain. Belum smpat cerita, uda ada cerita2 baru yg lebih menarik besokan nya. Nah loo...

Yawsdah.. intinya adalah, belajarlah dari berbagai sumber, dan jgn keburu percaya pd 1 hal saja, karena your baby is UNIQUE! Punya karakter yg very customized. Dan karna tiap orang tua ingin yg terbaik buat anaknya, banyak2 bertanya pd yg lebih brpengalaman, baca buku/majalah, browsing internet, and DON'T NEVER EVER STOP LEARN TO BE THE BEST PARENTS!

Terakhir... sebelum kembalinya saya bekerja dan cicitcuit lagi dengan temen2 kantor (itu tuh yg bikin kadang2 bahwa 'kerja' itu ngangen'in, gak melulu buat mengeluh2 aja), mo saia pajang lah disini poto anak saia, si kecil Brian yg semogaaa.. makin lama makin lucu n nge gemesin, semoga... sehat sentausa berbahagia sampe gede, dan semoga... jd anak yg pinter yg bs dibanggain kedua orang tua nya.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Waiting for My NewBorn Baby

Again, waiting is sumthin that could make you crazy..

If I count with mathemathic calculation, today is 40weeks 1 days of my pregnancy period,
which means... My Baby is supposed to have been born!
But well well well... I have to be patient.. The baby have his own day, maybe one of BEST DAY which has been planned by God to him.

I've been asking to everybody bout pregnancy, bout normal baby birth, baby daycare.. but the most difficult moment, I think, is
baby birth moment!

Yea.. maybe part of me feel kinda 'post power syndrome' hihihi.. Because I've been taking my maternity leave since a week ago, and I really feel bored being at home without activities. I've tried to do this and that, but I can't concentrate, coz deep down in my heart, I really wait for him, I really miss my baby..

Baby birth knowledge

(1) Contraction
I've been experiencing this since 3days ago.
I asked my friends bout contraction, the difference between contraction before baby birth, or feeling want to pup, or 'masuk angin', hi hih... And they are right. Sick of contraction is like you have your 1st day menstruation. Only women know this. I could not describe it. My daddy said, we have to differ it with 'braxton hicks' or 'kontraksi palsu'. The real contraction as a sign of baby birth will have regular rhythm, maybe start with once in 30minutes, then every 15minutes, then 10minutes, than 5 minutes.
Not as easy as it told, coz since 3 days ago, I can not describe the braxton hicks, or regular rhythm, or juz wanna have pup.. AIYAAAAAA... It's just almost the same. Then when you should decide to go to the hospital before it's too late?
Well, some people suggest me to go to hospital only after 'YOU CAN'T SMILE ANYMORE', means, the sick of contraction is unbearable. But that condition will only apply if you could reach the hospital as soon as possible. If it's not, it will be more safe if you stand by in hospital since the contraction is regular in 10minutes.

Up to this moments, only contraction thing that I feel, thing that I could share.
This is waiting time.. maybe I will update the knowledge later, after I've been felt it, one by one steps towards a baby born

ARGGGHH... hope through this note, I could be more patient..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

the ART of Fried Banana

alias pisang goyeng...

Ceritanya skrg lg demen ma pisang goyeng, ntah bawa'an bayi ato gag, tp bukan beli loh.. maunya bikin sndiri di rmh. Soalnya kalo beli, biasanya pisangnya ga manis, trus keras, dll. Pokognya kalo beli pisang goreng, slalu hasilnya tdk memuaskan.

Percoba'an pertama bikin pisang goreng, langsung donk.. sperti kata nyak n babe aye di rumah, bikinlah dengan menggunakan pisang raja, coz, according to my family, it's the best pisang utk digoreng. Trus beli pisang raja di kerpur, eee.. kog hasilnya kagak enak? naahh ternyata sodara2, kesalahan saya yang pertama
1# Pakailah pisang raja yang benar2 matang dan sudah empuk. Karna jika tidak, pisang raja yang masi mentah, rasanya akan sepet2 di tenggorokan, gak manis dan gak empuk.

Kemaren wkt hari minggu, eee ada tukang pisang liwat dpn rumah, langgsunng deh aye beli ntu pisang, murah lo buu, 1 sisir gitu cuman 7ribu rupiah sahaja (klo di kampung ane mungkin lebi murah yak?). Trussss... ternyata wkt mo masak pisang goreng me and husband dah kburu capek, n akhirnya ga jadi de..

Dasar ngidam, uda kebayang2 kan tu pisang raja yang dibeli, uda mateng... uda empuk... hmm.. pasti manis dah. Lusanya baru deh bela2in, pulang kantor bikin ntu pisang goyeng. Tapi percobaan kedua ini salah lagi, soalnya husband ga ngegula'in itu tepung buat si pisang, malah dilada'in and digarem'in. Alasannya mo bikin rasa baru, manis gurih.. tapi jadinya malah bakwan pisang yang ammburadull
2# Pakailah tepung terigu yang original, kalo bs jangan pake tepung instan. Trus, jangan pake bumbu tepung bakwan, nanti kaco beliau rasanyah. kikikiki

Nah.. trus hari ini hari libur lagi nih.. sudah bertekad, si pisang yang 1 sisir itu masi banyak yg blm digoreng, dan hari ini udah muateennggg buanget sampe beberapa agak benyek. Dah bertekad pingin dibikin pisang goreng kipas biar cantek bentuknya. Tapi ternyata si kipas malah ancur. That's another mistake..
3# Kalau pisangnya baru mateng, boleh lah dibentuk kipas. Tapi kalo udah kematengan or rada benyek, lebi baek bentuk gelondongan aja, karna si pisang uda rapuh klo dibikin kipas dia bakal ancur minah

Trus husband lagi2 bikin percobaan, si tepung terigu original ntu dicampur ma Energen kacang ijo, trus di dalem si pisang disisipin keju and meises, ditutup, dibalurin tepung, trus digoreng. hasilnyaaa?????

Akhirnya.. ngidam pisang nya terpuwaskan.. hohohoho....

Friday, May 07, 2010


Helo Dee...

Today is almost 7months of my pregnancy period... a bit hard b'coz I'm so easy being tired, my foot is oftenly cramp.. the baby keep on kicking my stomach... uggh..
and one more...

I keep on EATING! huaahahahahahaha

Thursday, February 11, 2010

May I Hate Djakarta [part-2]


My last post is too expresive.. without complete explanation I guess, he he he... That would make you the reader a bit confuse, and the writer (ME?) will also confuse if I read again the posting in the future.

Actually what is annoying 'bout Jakarta for me, subjectively, is because, this city is too wide and too complicated to adapt. I've been working in Jakarta (including Cikarang, Bekasi??) for 3years more. And in the mean time, I still know only a small part 'bout this place. Maybe for the 'native Jakarta', it won't be so bad to be here. Even I often meet friends that really love to live here, especially with their family.

If you only talk bout work and career, this place is a heaven with many opportunities. Yes it is a tough competition, but with lot of chances for a hard worker. You could learn from many great bosses, clever and creative people, smart peers, etc. CREATIVE! I found the Jakartanese is very creative, but not in art. Of course they are creative!! When you are stuck in a traffic, but you have important meeting, and you're gonna loose many if you're late, then your brain will think harder to find a way out. When you have some problem, without anybody to help, your eyes will be more sensitive to look for any opportunity to solve it.

For me, it's a big learning. And I strive for that -that's why I'm still here..-

But now, in pregnancy time, when you have a different priority which is not always about office and office, this crowd, this competition, this difficult place is not as interesting as before. You could say that we're still on 'Work Hard - Play Hard' situation. WORK HARD? Yes. PLAY HARD?? Hmm.. Let we figure the terms of 'play' is kind of relaxing mind, when you could pay attention to your family, call your friends happily, enjoy the nature, breath deeply, peacefully, do something you like, etc.
In Jakarta, where traffic is wait for you every working-days, you could hardly PLAY HARD except WEEKEND, and it's deduct with the time you spend for sleep and rest after work hard 5days full! It's a precious time to spend the time together with your family in this town. And that's what make me most DESPERATE!!!! Are you sure you have do a PLAY HARD or you just run away from your stressfull mind every weekend? You spend your money for a 'fake pleasure' only for compensation of the hard work, not because you enjoy it! That's why I say the art here is poor.. compare with Bandung... Jogja.. Bali... where everybody have a REAL PLAY, REAL REFRESHMENT to grow the art senses.

Talking 'bout the art, the poor heart is influencing me also.
Once of a night, when I was back home from the office, in the traffic light, I saw a little boys was sitting in the corner road, crying..alone. My heart said that I had to help him. Maybe something bad had happened to him, lose his parents, or else. But my mind reminded me "HEY! This is Jakarta! Be careful! That boy could be a criminal sindicate to trap you, to rob you! Be ware! This is 8 p.m and the road is not safe for young lady for you!"

Guess what, I just watched him crying, till the traffic went green, then pass by with a BIG BIG BIG regretness, but didn't know what would be better than I did. If only I were a strong man, I would be brave to take any consequences of helping him. If only this is not JAKARTA, maybe I could sincerely help him without any worryness. Slowly but sure, I become pathetic, individulistic, juz like them!!! AARRRGGggghh!!!

Jakarta oh Jakarta... this is with a slow intonation.. May I hate you?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

May I Hate Djakarta??

Actually I want to write the title in more sarcastic way such as " I Really Hate Jakarta" or "I'm sick to be in Jakarta!" ha ha ha... But then we could view our feeling as a temporary emotion, a 'long-term caused' for a move, rite? I don't know which one mine..

Yea, everybody has their own footprint, and my print in Jakarta had never come into my mind before. I am just ordinary girl who grown up in small and peace town. Only heard 'bout Jakarta a little, and never ever has a dream to live here. But then, HERE I AM! Get stuck!

I HATE THE TRAFFIC which make time become so short... waste fuel, waste day and night, waste opportunities only in Road!! Almost everyday.

I HATE THE INDIVIDUALISTIC PEOPLE which make life more difficult. Nobody to help you sincerely, because their life has been difficult also! People is on high speed, high competition, and everydat is not about 'what I will eat today' but always thinking of "who I will eat today?

I HATE THE CONSUMTIVE and SHOW OFF HABBIT which make everybody becoming so so materialistic, never get satisfied of what they have, but keep on shopping and shopping and showing their high life style.

Yes, maybe this place could make you rich in money, but never make you rich in heart...


I miss my lovely Jogja... or Pekalongan..