Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Perfectionist side that become UNPERFECT

Ada satu hal yang baru saja kusadari tentang diriku..

I'm too much going into details!
Whoha... the perfectionist side of me make me want everything to be correct, even the little things that might not be important.
I know it's not material.. (accounting terms to decide the most valuable one-red.) maybe juz wasting my time. But considering the art sense that I have, make me want to take a look deeply at something, feel what's inside, and then feel happy and sad. But speaking bout art, those are what make me feel alive this far. What has brigthened my life? What has make me so dynamic? What has make me appreciate the beauty of life including the suffer and the gift?
Sense to perform as well as possible, to make people inspire...

Okay okay, tujuan gw nulis bukan untuk membela/memuji diriku sendiri, tapi untuk mengartikan dan men-summary satu lagi learning gw malam ini.
I shouldn't be like that..
means.. Prioritas itu penting. So far aku sudah melakukan itu sih (secara.. klo ga nentuin prioritas, maka begitu banyak ketertarikan dan urusan yg aku jalani gak akan bisa terselesaikan tepat pada waktunya). The desire to be perfect itu kadang2 terwujud lewat 2 hal: keinginan untuk menyelesaikan semua hal ATAU keinginan untuk menyelesaikan satu hal se-sempurna mungkin.
Keduanya ga akan bs dicapai secara bersama'an.. I have to realize that..
In the same time, I'm on both side! how can I? Yea.. I can gather well with the melankolist person cause I imagine a lot and go through details with them. I also gather well with the sanguinists which are very action oriented and bak buk bak buk JEDHER! :D

Well.. flo.. in the working environment, the needs to quickly decide about something, is important related to urgent things. okey????!!!

setting: *ditengah2 kebingunganku mo bikin presentasi kayak apa'an besok. arrghh.. aku memang bukan orang yg pintar menjual.. hiks..*

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