Monday, December 05, 2005

I Mizz Everythin...


Last nite this feelin happen suddenly..
Maybe becoz of the 'photgraph freak' that drive me crazy lately.. :D
well... the narcist edition pictures have been passed away.. i'm now in d'situation to socialize, can not alone in my room in d'solitude.. THAT'S OBLIGATION! how can I run from my faith? though it has made me mad..
Suddenly I want to put my friend's photograph on friendster. hahaha... after my selfpotrait that crazy me!! :)) YEa... i'm busy choosing.. and decide several communities to show off. Well.. I Love those people..
in that 'choosing time', i found many picture of my friends.. my past communities.. my old friends that some of them have been loosing contact with me.. i miss them...
but we have to face the reality, haven't we? life is choice.. and our preferences will always grow as we grow too. My life is limited.. my time for in touch with people is limited.. my skill is limited..
life is always changing and will always flow like water.. (that's why my name is flo ;) everyone will face the same situation... this is ussual, isn't it?
But honestly.. this moment.. i mizz them.... and everythin in my past...

too melankolis uh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will be miss you to..