Yea, everybody has their own footprint, and my print in Jakarta had never come into my mind before. I am just ordinary girl who grown up in small and peace town. Only heard 'bout Jakarta a little, and never ever has a dream to live here. But then, HERE I AM! Get stuck!

I HATE THE TRAFFIC which make time become so short... waste fuel, waste day and night, waste opportunities only in Road!! Almost everyday.
I HATE THE INDIVIDUALISTIC PEOPLE which make life more difficult. Nobody to help you sincerely, because their life has been difficult also! People is on high speed, high competition, and everydat is not about 'what I will eat today' but always thinking of "who I will eat today?
I HATE THE CONSUMTIVE and SHOW OFF HABBIT which make everybody becoming so so materialistic, never get satisfied of what they have, but keep on shopping and shopping and showing their high life style.
Yes, maybe this place could make you rich in money, but never make you rich in heart...
I miss my lovely Jogja... or Pekalongan..
Pindah ke BPN aja Pus... ;)
how's your life?
Life is dizzy everyday 'bout the crowd of Jakarta niy Uswah...
di balikpapan enak yah?????
not bad lah...
at least no jam, no hurry steps ;)
but everything is sooooooo expensive down here, money isn't worth enough ;(
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