long time without blog posting..
I don't make any posting recently because I' m a bit busy to update the view of this blog, especialy layout, classification, etc. Still have many ideas to improve, but now I am trying to get the source. It's like making a house.. I prefer to make renovation of the building before add some new furnitures.
Why did I become too excited to do these?
Lately, still in magabu'ing times, I try to do "blog walking" and I visited many blogs. Well, although I have made blog since 3 years ago.. I never intense pay attention to other blogs, and neither to my blogs itself. Blog when I was still in college is only media for sharing to my cyber friends (which is not much..) and for killing time when I was still working on warnet. The contains was not too deep, I only told about my activities, experiences, and sometimes only 'rubbish' words. Blog when I was working in cikarang is become a lil melancholic, I shared a lot to heal my stress and ease my emotion. Pfuh.. seems I really needed a trash bin ya?
Blog nowadays, for me, is lazy to update. I only write when I really have inspiration and only in a very special occasion. I've lost many cyber friends that used to pay attention to my blogs, so I don't really care to 'refresh' my blogs.
And the result of the blog walking, waww.. I feel so suprised with all the blogs that I've visited.
A very good one.. a very thoughtfull, many comments, good looking layout, several issues that enrich my mind.. Well.. I see a lot blogging competition, and GOSH! how cool! I feel a bit oldfashioned that it's embarassing to still keep my previous 'acakadut' blog (how to say acakadut in english? messy?)
So so so... Now is the time for posting again. Actually I have a serious topic to write, bu

It's about the PANGERAN TIKUS.. mickey mouse. (dah ah pake basa indonesa ajah. Capeeek...past tense smua, hehe)
Ceritanya.. thn lalu pas aku lg tugas ke Bali hmpir sbulan, balik2 nemuin tikus di dlm kamar kos gw. Tadinya jg gak nyadar br stelah gw cek stock indomie kok ada yg bolong n digrogotin.. hiiii... tyus suatu hari kebangun tengah mlm n tu tikus nongol2in kpalanya di deket dipan kasur gw WAAAAAAAAAAA gile ajeee. That was my 1st experience bergaul dg tikus sepanjang sejarah nge'kosku n berakhir dengan terperangkapnya sang pangeran tikus pd jebakan lem tikus. MAMFUS LOE! kekeke.. Waktu itu curiganya dia masuk lewat jendela yg memang aku buka dikit wkt mo ditinggal ke Bali. Nah sejak saat itu kapok lah aku buka2 jendela.
Tyus... kmrn nih.. awalnya agak2 aneh tiap nyapu kamar kok nemuin item2 kecil di lantai, and that's definetely not my shit, is it? hehe... Lagi2 si doi ktauan gara2 aku kbangun tengah mlm (maybe God want me to meet the mouse kali ye?). Kecil2 si tikus lari2an dari pojok ke pojok. Anjirr... gw cm bs jejeritan tanpa tau musti ngapain. Tapi klo yg ini, dia blm smpet make any harm in my room sih.. Gilingan.. ga bs tidur deh ngebayangin tuh tikus lari2an di balik lemari gw or dibawah dipan kasur gw or wherever it likes to. JIJAY! Langsung lah pertolongan pertama besoknya gw bersihin sluruh kamar. Gw angkat dipan kasur, gw sapu smua kolong, gw pel, abis itu gw kasih kapur barus dimana2. Biar pada mabok, asal trus jangan pada drunk party aja tuh tikus2. Singular or plural? Nah itu jg gw gak yakin.. ketangkep basah lari2an di dpn mataku sih skitar 3 kali, tp apakah itu pacarnya? anaknya? ato dia sndiri yg emang mo manuver 3 kali di dpn mataku? (caper bener?) weee.. nobody knows.. dan kayak gini nih penampakan si tikus tea..

Huhhh... akhirnya aku pake cara lama.. kluarin dah tu lem tikus.. Ettss... tp last night when I set the trap, TIBA2 TIKUSNYA DENGAN GAGAH BERANI NONGOL2 N LARI2AN! Perkiraanku dia lg mabok ama kapur barus yg aku taburin. trus kyknya dia cr jln kluar deh.. Hmmm.. manuver ke 2, dia deket2in pintu kamarku n SLUURRTT eehh badannya tiba2 kayak karet bs nyempil kluar lewat bawah pintuku. HEBAT YAH? hehe...
Yawsdah.. jebakan lem tikus tetep terpasang. Siapa tau nyak bini nye masi ngendon dibawah meja kan? Tapi berarti dia dtg bukan lwt jendela donk yach? Trus gmn caranya aku b

lain kali, jangan lah kasar-kasar sama tikus itu...dia juga punya hak buat hidup layak dan bahagia....live balance with nature....
Yey... gak kasar ko... malah aku kasih soundtract buat setiap gerakannya *sambil jejeritan, aiyyy.. yaaa auuuww hiii haaa iyaaayyyy...*
trus dikasi lem tikus itu kan gently way to catch, gak dijepit kayak tom n jerry
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