Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Perfectionist side that become UNPERFECT

Ada satu hal yang baru saja kusadari tentang diriku..

I'm too much going into details!
Whoha... the perfectionist side of me make me want everything to be correct, even the little things that might not be important.
I know it's not material.. (accounting terms to decide the most valuable one-red.) maybe juz wasting my time. But considering the art sense that I have, make me want to take a look deeply at something, feel what's inside, and then feel happy and sad. But speaking bout art, those are what make me feel alive this far. What has brigthened my life? What has make me so dynamic? What has make me appreciate the beauty of life including the suffer and the gift?
Sense to perform as well as possible, to make people inspire...

Okay okay, tujuan gw nulis bukan untuk membela/memuji diriku sendiri, tapi untuk mengartikan dan men-summary satu lagi learning gw malam ini.
I shouldn't be like that..
means.. Prioritas itu penting. So far aku sudah melakukan itu sih (secara.. klo ga nentuin prioritas, maka begitu banyak ketertarikan dan urusan yg aku jalani gak akan bisa terselesaikan tepat pada waktunya). The desire to be perfect itu kadang2 terwujud lewat 2 hal: keinginan untuk menyelesaikan semua hal ATAU keinginan untuk menyelesaikan satu hal se-sempurna mungkin.
Keduanya ga akan bs dicapai secara bersama'an.. I have to realize that..
In the same time, I'm on both side! how can I? Yea.. I can gather well with the melankolist person cause I imagine a lot and go through details with them. I also gather well with the sanguinists which are very action oriented and bak buk bak buk JEDHER! :D

Well.. flo.. in the working environment, the needs to quickly decide about something, is important related to urgent things. okey????!!!

setting: *ditengah2 kebingunganku mo bikin presentasi kayak apa'an besok. arrghh.. aku memang bukan orang yg pintar menjual.. hiks..*

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Beautifull Moonlight

Aku tahu bulan itu akan bersinar untukku, lalu memberiku energi dan nafas bagi aktivitasku
Aku tahu bulan itu ada disitu, hanya saja ia harus mematuhi prosedur tata surya sehingga tak bisa terus menerus menampakkan wujud putihnya yang cemerlang

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Beyond Expectation

Aduh biyunggg....
Aku ki cen soyo suwi cen ora seneng yen ana wong muja muji jhe...

"Staineslav", sopo to kuwiii??? aku jan ora tau tertarik ngapal'ke rupane wong2 bule sing dadi tamu ning kantor, opo maneh yen tamune kuwi dhuuwurr banget pangkat'e. wis... ngumpet wae ning ngisor meja. Lha mau esuk ibu bos kok ngomong jare dikongkon cicitcuit ning ngarepe wong kuwi. Wuaduh biyung... yen sing ngadep ki kabeh trainee yo ra po po.. yen elek yo elek bareng.. Tapi yo piye ra kaget jare sing entuk kesempatan ra kabeh. Yooo pancen durung final sih keputusan.. sih dadi 'wacana' di kongkon siap-siap wae yen dadi wulan ngarep. Wuaduh biyung... Aku jan ora seneng, ora bangga, tapi sing ngene iki malah nggawe mumet, nggawe setres, dadi beban. Alasan ibu'ku kuwi milih aku dadi sing 'selected' kuwi mau opo tooh??? aku ki ora iso opo2, ora ngerti opo2, sih akeh sing kudu tak'pelajari. Lha mengko yen ditakoni macem-macem ra iso njawab, njur kepiye? mengko yen aku ora paham leh ngomong bule kuwi, njur kepiye? lha bos'e ibu ning singapur wae nek seh telecon kuwi angel banget dirungok'ke, lambe'ne plegak pleguk, koyo wong kumur-kumur ngono... lha si staineslav iki, opo ora luwih parah tur njijik'i?
padahal yen aku ra salah, bule iki bos'e bos'e bos'e bosku. wis papat toh??? wuaduh biyuungg... aku yo kalah nyali yen ngene ki...

Mau juga si Mas "E" ngomong yen aku ki ngene... ngono..., inti'ne muji. Arep memotivasi jan'e, tapi malah aku dadi ciyut. Aku wedi ora iso sesuai karo sing di'arep'ake karo wong-wong kuwi. Aku pancen skeptis yo? Aku luwih puas yen iso luwih seko sing di'arep'ake wong. Tapi yen wong podo muji, dadine aku koyo terbebani, kudu apik terus, kan angel toh?????ora iso bebas.....

Pancen'e aku ki bodho yo bodho wae... ora sah di pinter-pinter'ke.. iso ra toooh????

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Simple things to make you CHEERS

There's certain thing that could make you smile and cheers up whole day. I start everysingle time with a lotta effort to adapt and to please myself. But once you got the match point, wherever you are, there would be pleasant time to make you simply smile at.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Ada pepatah yg bilang bahwa sesuatu yg susah didapetin itu bakalan lebih berkesan. Well... I am! hehehehe.. means, mungkin cuma hal2 simpel yg gak penting banget, tp krn ada unsur 'strugle', achievement nya bisa membuatku tersenyum sepanjang hari. foto diatas bukan gambar bikin biskuit lho yaaa... mentang2.. Itu gambar mas2 yang (untung dia gak merhati'in bahwa henpon'ku sebenernya sedang membidik dia) sedang ngebikin roti bun kesuka'an. My fav!

Ahh.. life is hard.. but more you work, more you play.

Still with terms of "Message in the Bottle", ini sudah kesekian kalinya aku gagal posting di blogger sesuai dengan yang sudah kucurhatin panjang lebar.