Monday, April 23, 2007


Semalem aku mimpi nangis... sesenggukan.. dan rasanya di hati ini kecewaaaa banget. Sedih banget. Baru waktu bangun, aku sadar itu cuman mimpi...

dear D...,
let me admit to you now.
Mungkin aku berusaha menetralkan perasaanku sendiri, menentramkan jiwa, dan lalu berpikir rasional. Aku berusaha tidak khawatir, tdk skeptis, berpikir positif, dan lalu menerima resiko yg mungkin terjadi.. Well.. maybe it's work. means.. nobody's hurt
Tapi dlm alam bwh sadarku.. mungkin memang aku sedih, sekaligus takut.

Dear Good please help me... please don't let me be sad like this.. please make me brave to face this..
Please whispering to my ear, please showing to my eyes, and let me feel that everything's just gonna be allrite..
dan ketakutan2ku... semoga jd sesuatu yg terus membuatku meng'hamba padaMu.. tak lupa bersujud dan bersungkur mohon ampun bahwa tak ada yg bs menandingi kekuasa'anMu..
semoga aku kuat pun bila semua kekhawatiranku jadi nyata.



Anonymous said...

I feel sadness in your posting :(
May these quotes could cheer you up :)

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold.
We appreciate light because we have been in darkness.

By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.

and remember:
Worry gives a small thing a big shadow

So, Cheers, Flo! :D

Anonymous said...

You don't know for sure whether your dream was just a result of rearrangement of your brain which unpurposedly ignite some of your grey cells, or whether the dream was really a precognition.

It doesn't matter if it would happened anyway. It doesn't matter if one day you are disappointed by some people.

What matter is whether you can get up after you fall in the deppresive pit.

Or put it in another way, 'God does not change the condition of a people [for the worse] unless they change what is in themselves'.

Wake up!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should watch this video.

Hopefully it can cheers you up.

I'm sorry I don't know what else to do, sweet Flo.

Anonymous said...

"Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka mengabdi-Ku"

Translation of Qur'an in Indonesian Language. Surah:51.Az-Zariyat ayat 56