Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Jababeka Mati Lampu!


kata orang2 sih, baru kali ini Cikarang Listrindo memati'in lampunya tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Klo diitung2, mati 3 jam aja, brapa duit tuh kerugian? biskuit2 yang gosong, adonan yg terpaksa harus dibuang, dll. pfuh... ribut banget lah satu kawasan.. n hotline si listrindo pun penuh sesak dengan berpuluh pabrik yg mo klaim. hihihih... tapi sebagai pegawai mah.. seneng2 aja lah yaaaa kikikikik

Ngomong serius ahhh....!!! topiknya kali ini "bahagia"
Sebenernya kuncinya satu aja kok. BERSYUKUR. orang seringkali mengeluh dengan kejadian2 buruk yang menimpa dirinya, selalu merasa Tuhan kurang adil dan gak mau memberikan apa yg diinginkan. Padahal, kalau hal2 kecil itu selalu disyukuri dan dianggap rahmat, it would create happiness all over the time.
Pintu kebahagiaan itu sebenarnya ada dimana2. Hal itu yg tiba2 aku sadari akhir2 ini. Kenapa harus menyempitkan pintu itu dan merasa bahwa certain good thing, or certain people aja yg bikin seneng?

Everybody, everywhere, everytime

Ally McBeal yg skrg lagi gandrung aku pelototin jg memberi banyak pelajaran. Kadang2 saat nasib sedang baik, maka Ally senang, akupun senang (hehehe.. penonton yg baek..). truss waktu dia lagi sedih berurai air mata, emosional, tp semua itu akhirnya juga berlalu. "this shall too pass". that's what should I do too. berurai lah, bersedihlah. Tapi nasib akan terus berganti. Pintu kebahagiaan jg tidak akan pernah tertutup. Pintu itu hanya berpindah2.. dan seharusnya mata hati kita lah yang jangan sampai tertutup,
sehingga kita bisa melihat pintu itu dimana2.

Merry Christmast to all my dear nasrani friend

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Case Closed

Hard day pfuh...

Yea.. for almost this month I become so busy and emotional. Maybe it's only lil things, only to present what have I'm doing for these 5 months in front of all management team! Ahh.. come on.. it's not a big deal, is it? But honesty, I've become so nervous since months ago. I become so pesimis. I have been realize that the perfectionist side of me sumtimes can burden myself. Well.. day by day I try to overcome this feeling, and I learn so much to reduce my perfectionist level. It's now has been finished. I'm so glad that I have passed the presentation section. Yea.. the Rumanian guy is always asking, interupting, but also joking during the presentation. Also the other manager, they who do not have the same background with me, Oh... That's part of things that have made me crazy!

Anyway, the feedback of my performance during presentation has not been given yet. I will find out their evaluation summary later. the strengths and the weaknesses.
But I may remember of what the Rumanian's just said when I was in my manager's room (not in front of the audience):
" Well.. I am so impressed by you coz you're doing good in your presentation. I'm surprised of this because u are ussually very quiet."
( of course!! what is he expecting from me? go to his room and ask some chats? hohoho... actually he's not my direct boss! he's the plant manager! i'm only a fresh graduate! who am I?)
" U can deliver the message well. It's important coz in presentation U need to convince people; the audience."
(I dont know if he's only want to make me happy by his words, coz I'm actually very skeptic. But then the question is: is he convinced by me? gegege.. kidding me..)

Breathing so long... I'm remembering this one month's passed...
And enjoy the memories of the struggle, the effort, the sickness, and the hard work behind all these.
Also the memories of my broken relationship. Gosh.. I shouldn't blame him or my situation.
I should blame myself to be very sensitive and emotional in facing and thinking things too hard.
I am so sorry..

But.. it's already happen.
I can't fix anything. I only can fix my life, my future
I will only resign to God.. all my faith.. my destiny.. my way.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hot Rainy Day

Cikarang itu panasnya ampun2 sampe2 ujan2 gini malah jd anget :D

Kemarin waktu malam minggu, makan di resto plaza.
pretty nice krn 'tumben' ada hiburan akustikan (jadi inget masa2 ngamen dulu.. hehehehe)
dan aku pun turut bernyanyi dan berdendang..

Tuliskan kesedihan semua tak bisa kau ungkapkan
kapan kita kan bicara, dengar hatiku..
Buang semua puisi antara kita berdua
Kau bunuh dia, sesuatu yg ku sebut itu cinta

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Yakinkan aku Tuhan.. dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu.. waktu.. hapus aku
Sadarkan aku Tuhan.. dia bukan milikku
Biarkan waktu.. waktu.. hapus aku

yang ada org2 disitu melongo kali ya gara2 gw kliatan begitu bersemangat n menjiwai?

Friday, December 01, 2006


sweet name that drive me into lots of words..

"Tenang aja.. jangan dibikin setress, vertigo itu bukan sesuatu yang menakutkan kok.."
(who care???? i'm not desperate of that. kekekeke.. fool doctor..)

"Oh, saya juga pernah tuh.. pala rasanya muterrrr aja ya? saya dulu gitu ampe lemesss banget. trus gimana, sekarang dah sembuh?"
(sweet also, my boss. Feel more comfortable coz she has ever felt it also. so she could understand me. suddenly I got a learning from this. well.. sickness is always bad for anybody. but without it, we wont know how it feels and how to understand them. Thanks God lah!)

"vertigo apa'an sih?"
(one of my advisor in office)

"dulu tuh saya vertigo juga tuh waktu turun dr pesawat. abisnya perjalanannya lamaaa banget. begitu turun ampe gak tau dimana pintu kluar"
(vertigo? are u sure? is it not jetlag? hohoho.. he's my direct boss)

"makanya.. kamu tuh suka cuek sih.. pulang dari kantor malem terus, dingin gitu, gak pernah pake jaket pula! udah gitu makannya gak teratur. coba deh ya.. diubah itu kebiasaanmu.. sayang badan.."
(ahh.. sweet friend... sounds like Mom, uh?)

"eh, tapi kamu masih bisa pulang sendiri kan? bisa ngebedain jalan kan? klo dipertiga'an gak ngerti lewat mana, nahh bennner tuh.. vertigo.. vertiga'an!"
(huehueheuhue... once again.. my direct boss.. always makes joke..)

"minum susu deh.. kayak aku nih. tempat cicik ku tuh ya.. disediakan susu gratis buat para karyawannya karena pertimbangan ruangan AC. jadi sepertinya memang ruangan ber AC itu kurang baik klo terus menerus. susu bisa menetralisir dampak negatifnya"
(everything is always on scientific mode with this friend. hehehe.. but it's okay.. like it also laahh)

"vertigo? masih kecil udah vertigo? mendingan cepet periksa deh.. aku dulu kayak gitu, terus disuruh rujuk ke dokter syaraf. Mendingan kamu langsung cek deh.."
(i think she is still young, but she could call me 'little girl'? then I know that she is 40. whuuu.. seems like 28)


Well.. more than simple words mention above.. sweet words also from a strange man, wise, mature, smart and very confident:
"our best strength, will always be our greatest weakness"
"so.. if it's so, I choose not to find my best strength so I will only have a lil weakness. rite?"
"No, u can't! u cant avoid from suffer if u want happiness. U only can feel happiness after u feel sadness, rite? u wont appreciate any good things if U needn't hardly dream of it. Enjoy your suffer.. and at the same time, always remember that there are always people who are more suffer than U. Be Thankfull! U have to realize your luck.
U are worth and deserve the best"

eniwei... there's something sweet email from my friend at office this afternoon..
with subject: "pus.. nikah kog gak ngundang2 sih?"

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