Wednesday, April 26, 2006

infotainment today...

yea, I admit that.. recently.. I always see infotainment. gak penting sihh.. tapi cukup berguna kog. many learning from it.. like yesterday..

hotspot: pernikahan Gleen n Dewi Sandra

ps. sbenernya aye kurang seneng sih ama Glenn. gak suka style'nya, gak suka performance'nya, hehehe.. lagunya jg bbrp aja sih lumayan.. kalo dewi, oke banget! dance nya.. keren.. (alphaplus punya siy ya? hehe). overall... ini bukan karna penilaian saya terhadap mereka, ini tentang cinta yang sempat agak ditentang oleh kebanyakan orang. heran... kok bisa2nya manusia menentukan sah tidaknya suatu pernikahan??

Glenn : " kalo orang berbicara tentang prinsip, kadang2 mereka lupa apa itu toleransi. kalo sudah masuk idealisme individu, kadang2 manusia lupa pentingnya menghargai satu sama lain. Yang terpenting bagi kami, cinta yang kami miliki itu anugerah terindah.

that's it. simple.. sweet.

Friday, April 21, 2006

My brain is overloaded!!

n sebelum semuanya tumpah, lebih baek saya kluarkan atu2 dicini yach!

today... mm.. 1stly, aku pengen menasihati diriku sendiri. (sbnrnya yg bs menasihati diri sendiri ya kita sendiri! kita sendiri tau kesalahan kita kog.. n kita lah yg paling mengenal diri kita masing2)
dear my body.. sorry for treating you like thiz.. after 13.00 today, i promise to make U rest. Gosh.. tahan ya sayang.. kuatkan dirimu! hix hix.. saya terpaksa melakukan hal ini. Mendoping'mu dengan 3 gelas kopi (dihitung sejak pagi kemarin). dan... hix.. maap maappp.. kemarin aku hanya memberi kamu 3 jam untuk tidur. .... padahal tugas-tugas yg telah kau lakukan untukku banyak sekalee.. key... the train tonight will be at 10 pm, before that.. sleep! sleep! and sleep as much as you can. ok? I LOVE YOU..

2ndly, dee... Dengan keadaan body yg agak diforsir ini.. aku masih berusaha untuk tersenyum and perform well. but... arrgghh that's so difficult! dan di tengah perjuanganku utk menjaga mood, kenapa mendadak people around me sounds in their bad times too? Dee.. suddenly he was crying last nite.. I really dont know why.. but I can understand. he's very sensitive. and the crying, I think it's the result of accumulation. I want to help him, but what can I do if he doesnt want to tell anything? however, he's a man! (with woman side dominantly though.., huehuehuehue) looking weak is a wrong. I think and think, feel and feel, should I do sumthin? but then.. I decided to consider bout time. it's not the rite time. for me.. (with my bad mood? bisa2 salah ngomong lage!) n for him. Setelah itu, giliran seorang teman yang lain, lagi sms'an, tau2 mata beraer, idung beraer. curiga doi pilek apa nangis yak? ditanyain bilangnya jg " ga pa pa kok". I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPENING ATUHH??? sayangnya i'm too tired to handle others business at that moment.. i need REST!!

3rdly, hhmmpphh.. to many things to say.. sumtimes i feel that i need sum1 to share.. but in the same time.. i always try to be independent! I can handle all! maybe it's true.. but.. the feeling for juz.. telling story for release all the tiring days.. and support for gimme strength, may I get it from some1? well.. i dont know wether it's juz.. a sudden desire or what.. but.. till now (at least) i juz can choose the right person for that. gya gya gyaaaaaa i should ask a strength not from someone else, shoudn't I? God God and God. seharusnya hanya padaNya lah aku bersujud dan memohon.
apakah itu terlalu.. ummmhhh.. idealis? utopis? atau.. kurang realistis?

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

No, dont make me far from God

 I would fight.. not to ever fall too deep... never show that love would grow...
Now at night.. as I lied me down to sleep.. I could never let you go...
and lying here with you.. I still cant believe it's true.. never thought that I would ever find the love that last forever

Be the man that's mine...
find the love that never goes away..
be the heart that now will be... the one that beats for me, be the man..

used to be scared.. if I would ever get this closed.. not afraid to touch you now..
long before I knew.. i'd be making love to you.. dream that maybe I would oneday loose myself in someone,
i always try to find the love that never goes away
be the heart that now will be.. the one that beats for me, be the man..

take me.. where i've never been.. i would follow you.. you'd never be around
i would run.. I run to you... i never thought that I would ever, find the love that last forever.....

tell me we will always be together..make a say u love a swear forever
be the heart that now will be.. the one beats for me...
wherever you might be..
always be with me..
song by Celine Dion

dear dee... lagu itu tiba2 terus dan terus ada di kepalaku. padahal ntu lagu lama n gak sengaja aja ketemu pas lagi ubek2 file mp3ku. pfuh.. dee.. skarang ini aku cuman pengen berdoa.. smoga kesadaranku akan cinta, tidak membuatku jauh dari Yang Kuasa.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Agnes Monica.. thumbs down...

Actually.. I'm the biggest fans of Agnes...
But last nite, her performance was bad overall..

Semalem, ntah kenapa aku kurang puas ama show agnes di transTV. diya bergaya harajuku dengan baju tabrak sana sini. keren sih kostumnya.. mmm.. tapi berasa kurang greget ajah.
Agnes terlalu banyak berusaha meng'entertain penonton yang ada disana... tapi dia melupakan interpretasi lagu2nya. paling gak aku ngebandingin dengan penampilan terakhirnya di Indosiar (1jam bersama). Semalem.. penghayatan lagunya kurang. Dia emang fokus ama gerakan.. fokus ama power.. teknik suara jg oke..
But.. why can I get in?
I mean... biasanya nonton agnes bisa bikin aku ngrasa merinding saat dia nyanyi'in lagu2 yg slow
ato bikin aku menganga, saat dia ngedance n nyanyi lagu2 bersemangat.
I didnt feel anythin last nite..
so do my friends.. they admitted the same thing.

Nuansa jepang yang coba dijadi'in tema jg gak terlalu maksimal di eksplore..
Diya terlalu ingin mengesankan 'modernisasi'
padahal... kalo dia mau sedikit lebih konvensional (misal: pake kimono buat lagu2 slow) soul'nya bakalan dapet banget deh! Tapi agnes is agnes.. keras dan berani mengekspresikan keinginannya. I dont know is it intentionally or not...

I still like Agnes anyway..
smart woman with a strong mission.

nb: skrg jg lagi suka ama ello.. hihihi.. iklannya buat nada sambung lucu banget seh!!! gaya tangan V'nya itu lhoohhh... wakakakakakak

Monday, April 03, 2006

MANDI?? Oh noooo...

mmhh.. let me describe what had happened yesterday...

bangun pagi jam 5.30, buset dah.. jogja dingghiinn abiss!!! semalem abis ujan derez.. n slimutku ktinggalan di rmh, jd alhasil berdingin2 ria di kamar. semalem jg br bs tidur jam 2 an. maunya sih langsung mandi, tp saking duingginnyaa.. aku cuman kluar masuk kamar mandi. seyeemm ngbayangin dinginnya aer. tapi mo begimaneee.. 1jam lg aku sudah hrs kluar kos..
6.45 : akhirnya memaksakan diri untuk mandi! dame....
7.15 : baru bisa kluar kos. rencana buat training bentar ama dwi akhirnya molor.. hehehe
9.00: slese training, lgs ke t4 dance. hiks.. cuman cipikacipiki.. ketawatiwi bentar.. trus pamit cabut. kyaa.. i miss them so much!
9.30: nyampe gelanggang. janjian ama anak2 band disini.
10.00: brangkat ke magelang bareng2, mo cek sound alat
17.00: sampe di jogja lagi. sampe gelanggang trus pulang n still!! with the rain.. duingin sumpah. dan akhirnya aku harus 'mandi'!!! ggrrr.....
18.30: brangkat training lagi. skrg aku sudah membekali diriku dengan jaket super tebel. dinginnya amit-amit.
21.30: pulang ke kos. gosh.. gerimis ujan...
ya ya ya... mungkin emang hari ini ditakdirkan untuk berdingin-dingin.
pualing nyebelin ya itu.. MANDI!
heueheuheuheuheu... tapi masak mo gak mandi... ni badan rasanya kotor jg...kcuali klo aku gak kemana-mana.. hm hm mungkin milih tdk berurusan dengan aer. kambing!!! :D

and yesterday is ended by.. a hot orange juice.. and it was very mmmhh!!!
tadi malem aku tidur jam 22.30. hihihi. tumben......

Saturday, April 01, 2006


arrgghh... aseli.. sebenernya gw pengen lah liburan dulu... childish yak? ya ya ini hanya sebuah kejujuran.. bis gmn duonk??

now i'm dealing problem to set priority. which one to choose 1st? dunno lah.. hiks.. family? or friends? my own preference or others benefit?
i love my family... that's true..