today I make two long statement..
1st to my Girl..
2st to my Uncle..
I dont know how I can give such a statement to them.. juz let my finger type it.. and THAT'S IT!
I also make some new routinities these days..
I own my body, I own my mind, so I also own my routinities.. sets of things that I'm gonna obey. such as..
i'm not gonna follow morning TV series anymore. i spent my effort in d'morning. Hmm.. puphet story has been makin me mad lately.. but I think it's enough for me. too many philosophy will only kill me! haahahaha..
and then.. i'm gonna work at L***** in d'Nite. hahaha, i'm not gonna say it here coz u all will kill me too if u know that hidden word. it's suck for almost people. it's suck for me too. but i have no other choice
the third one.. i'm gonna sing a lot in these coming weeks. Wish me luck everybody!
and um.. my friend ask me to be her testi on her psychological test. and what had she found on mu IQ condition?
I am better on verbal intelegensi, more than performance intelegensi (the numerik one)
HOW COME? i'm on accountancy now! hahaha.. salah jurusan deh..
Regulating the (yet) Unregulable?
1 year ago