Today is not my last day working in this company.. this is just my last 3days. wehueheuhe.. Because in the last days maybe I'm to busy to "cipikacipiki" or tearing my eyes, hiks hiks.. goodbye my friends.. goodbye my laptop... goodbye my office.. I'm gonna miss you..
Well, this writing is not about 'why I decided to move' because it's all have been done in the exit interview with my HRD (thanks Bu Memi..) but beside all of the joy for this time, I also have some beautiful memories working in this company. Not in detail, but there are parts of the work which I used to deal with, and used to be fun with, and... it's all the work's stuff!
Ets, don't worry, No.. I'm not going to describe the boring job description.. hehe.. this is a blogger, not a resume..
Ok, let's start!

Just singing the song and get fun with the work!
"La la la li li li.. senangnya rasa hati"

We are nothing without it..
I'm gonna miss it..
* ups.. my desk is misserable yak? * =D

(3) it's my flash disc. I frequently get problem with the USB because it's always use hand by hand among the team, among the clients, and easy to get broken or loss. and again.. it's my bf's hihihihihi (mine have been broken and loss)

Without it, I feel un-complete.. huks..
(LEBAY!! hihihihhi)
and then .......................................
(6) What is number six.. humm.. hey... No six...
The title of this blogger is 5 stuff that I love... But maybe I want to attached the last picture of mine... crazy things to do to refresh our mind in work, without any supervision,

HumMM wiiiiiiiiyyy!!!
Deloitte.. once again..
I'm gonna miss you after all..